
All rights reserved.

The content, including but not limited to text, worksheets, images, and videos, featured in our painted rock tutorials is the intellectual property of Rock Paint. These materials are protected by copyright law and international treaties.

Usage Rights:

  1. Personal Use: You are permitted to view, download, and print the tutorials for personal, non-commercial use only.
  2. Non-Commercial Use: You may share the tutorials with others, provided it is for non-commercial purposes and proper attribution is given to Rock Paint.
  3. Modification: You may not modify, adapt, or create derivative works based on our tutorials.
  4. Commercial Use: Any commercial use, reproduction, or distribution of the tutorials without explicit written permission from Rock Paint is strictly prohibited.


When sharing or using our tutorials, you must provide clear and visible attribution to Rock Paint. This includes mentioning the source and providing a link to the original tutorial.

Any exceptions to these terms must be obtained through written permission from Rock Paint.

Enforcement of Rights:
Rock Paint reserves the right to take legal action against any unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution of our painted rock tutorials.

For permissions or inquiries, please contact:

Barbara van Rijsewijk